Akshay Yadav

Akshay has 12 years of experience as a product/strategy manager, entrepreneur, and engineer. He is a value-driven leader and creative storyteller, and strongly believes in adopting a "learn-commit-do" attitude in life.
In an age of quick labels and stereotypes, Akshay's evolving story exemplifies one's ability to add value in myriad ways given the right opportunity, zeal, and support.

Swati Rao

Swati lives to see her ideas come to life and bring utility to end-users at scale. She has a strong academic background, embellished with a strong willpower, work ethic, and positivity.
Swati enjoys long-distance running, empowering women through relevant causes, and is a professional mentor for Product Management, having diverse experiences at Intel, Okta, and Amazon

… and more. We’re always looking to add more diversity, nuance, and color to our primary themes. Contact us if you would like to join us as an author to contribute.